Regional Capacity Building Tools

African Region (AFRO)

Capacity building

Key information

Material #1

  • Title of the capacity building or training materials:

    African Health Observatory

  • Type of material (e.g. online eCourse, online training module, shared copy or pdf training manual, training package, video, etc.):

    Website – Health observatory.

  • Languages the materials is available in:

    English, French, Portuguese

  • The UN agency or partnership that developed the material (e.g. UNICEF, FAO/WHO collaboration):


  • Purpose of the material:

    The website is a data and statistics platform.  It allows for data download, processing and analysis, or access to statistics from the African Health Observatory (AHO) database. It also provides Regional, sub-regional and country level statistical tables, factsheets, and overviews describing the health situation and trends on health outcomes, health systems, programmes, key determinants and progress on health-related goals.

  • Main topic of the material:

    The African Health Observatory (AHO) is a web-based portal developed to improve the availability and use of information and evidence for policy and decision-making.

    It serves four core functions:

    • monitoring health situation and trends, including progress on the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other internationally agreed targets
    • production and sharing of evidence through the analysis and synthesis of information
    • improving the translation and use of evidence for policy and decision-making by providing platforms for networking and communities of practice
    • supporting countries establish national or sub-national health observatories to strengthen their national health information systems
  • Date developed:


  • URL (if available online):

Key information

Material #2

  • Title of the capacity building or training materials:

    The Transformation Agenda of the World Health Organization Secretariat in the African Region 2015-2020

  • Type of material (e.g. online eCourse, online training module, shared copy or pdf training manual, training package, video, etc.):

    Programme guide

  • Languages the materials is available in:

    English, French, Portuguese

  • The UN agency or partnership that developed the material (e.g. UNICEF, FAO/WHO joint collaboration):


  • Purpose of the material:

    The Transformation Agenda of the WHO Secretariat in the African Region is a programme for accelerating the implementation of WHO reform within the WHO African Region. It is a vision and a strategy for change aimed at facilitating the emergence of “the WHO that the staff and stakeholders want.”

  • Main topic of the material:

    The Transformation Agenda covers four focus areas: pro-results values, smart technical focus, responsive strategic operations and effective communications and partnerships.

    Each of the focus areas has a set of strategic actions with clear implementation timelines, and is closely aligned with the ongoing global reforms (managerial, programmatic and governance) of WHO.

  • Date developed:

    Published 2015

  • URL (if available online):

Key information

Material #3

  • Title of the capacity building or training materials:

    Reaching every district: A guide to increasing coverage and equity in all communities in the African Region

  • Type of material (e.g. online eCourse, online training module, shared copy or pdf training manual, training package, video, etc.):

    Guide, available in print and online in .pdf

  • Languages the materials is available in:

    English, French

  • The UN agency or partnership that developed the material (e.g. UNICEF, FAO/WHO joint collaboration):


  • Purpose of the material:

    The purpose of the RED guide is to support countries to plan and implement the five components of the RED approach so as to strengthen immunization systems to sustainably and equitably increase access to and use of vaccination services (as measured by coverage rates and equity indicators).

  • Main topic of the material:

    RED aims to strengthen immunization systems by improving planning, managing available resources, service delivery and monitoring, in the context of primary healthcare based on community needs. This in turn improves equitable and sustainable access to vaccines for every age-eligible person and reduces vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs).

  • Date developed:


  • URL (if available online):